Certified Information Systems Security Professional
Why Edudelphi?
Exam Pass Guarantee
We guarantee you’ll pass your exam on the first attempt.

– Corporate Training
At the Corporate Training Department, we help you align your training needs with your business goals and objectives, as well as the company’s values and culture. We tailor our training program to match your organization’s needs, either by adapting an existing program or developing a new one.
The Premier Professional Training Institute of Middle East is now in India.
EduDelphi is a unique platform for professionals, academic to get outstanding knowledge, quality exposure, and immaculate scope to reach to their target position.
At EduDelphi the faculty members are vision driven and are inspired with a passion for teaching – a drive that makes them prestigious and outstanding. The faculty members at EduDelphi functions as mentors and facilitators, making learning interactive experience and more enhancing. The Institute also invites people from the corporate sector and academic field as visiting and guest faculty to share their experiences with the students.
Education is not preparation for life; Education is life itself
– John Dewey