Certified Fraud Examiner certification: Why become a CFE?
Written By Akash Bulani on October 31st, 2023
Fraud has been a part of human society since man can remember. However, with the rise of globalization and technology in recent decades, this fraud has become more sophisticated and difficult to identify and prevent. Studies conducted show that in 2022, 70% of financial institutions worldwide lost $500k+ to financial fraud. Other studies show that … Continue reading “Certified Fraud Examiner certification: Why become a CFE?”

What is CFE certification? Is CFE certification worth it?
Written By Akash Bulani on May 2nd, 2023
What is the CFE certification? The CFE certification or Certified Fraud Examiner is a qualification issued by the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners (ACFE) that proves that the holder is skilled in the field of Fraud Examination. This means that they are experts at investigating different financial situations to identify fraudulent activities and then build … Continue reading “What is CFE certification? Is CFE certification worth it?”
Category: Accounting, CFE,

Accountancy Myths
Written By Kiran Varghese on July 17th, 2021
There are a lot of misunderstandings about accountants out there; if you’ve ever watched popular sitcoms like The Office or Parks and Recreation, you’ve undoubtedly seen them portrayed as boring! In this case, the truth is far more intriguing than fiction, so keep reading as we expose the top 8 accounting myths… You must be … Continue reading “Accountancy Myths”
Category: ACCA UK, Accounting, CFA, CFE, CIA USA, CMA USA, CPA USA, Finance, Financial modelling, FRM, IFRS,

Career Development & Robust Leadership – Key to Employee Retention
Written By Pankaj Sarrof on March 22nd, 2021
A mere 31% of business leaders discuss about career development with their employees. This is the findings in Australia. The scenario will be even worse in UAE and the Gulf, though no official statistics are available. However it is common knowledge, except certain top multinational and very large local companies, training and career development programs … Continue reading “Career Development & Robust Leadership – Key to Employee Retention”

5 reasons why Finance is important in today’s business?
Written By Pankaj Sarrof on January 18th, 2021
What is meant by Finance? The large amount of managing money or cash, basically by huge private and government entities or organization is said to be Finance. It confines with the study and creation of such as – Money matters. Banking system. Credit system. Investments system. Assets and Liabilities. This combination of all together that … Continue reading “5 reasons why Finance is important in today’s business?”